Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Coffee, coffee, coffee.

Hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween!

It's Novemberrr already! And it's cold ya'll. I mean, cold. It's going to be an awesomely cold fall day tomorrow with a high temp of 26 degrees. Bringing out my favorite thing to drink when it's cold. Coffee! Right now, my favorite is this:

And drinking it while watching this:

My favorite show, and my favorite season. Happiness is a day like this one. 

Now, on a more serious note:

How great is this article Unicef?

I like Kate Middleton because in the six months that she has been in the public eye, she has shown herself to be a true humanitarian, and to actually genuinely care about other people. Some people in the public eye don't show that in ten years. I like her style, sure, but I really like her genuineness. 


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